The Design and Technology Lab is a joint venture between the Industrial Design Programme at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and the Product Development Group of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ). The Lab is a cross-university education and research platform dedicated to interdisciplinary innovation projects.

The Design and Technology Lab is a joint venture between the Industrial Design Programme at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and the Product Development Group of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ). The Lab is a cross-university education and research platform dedicated to interdisciplinary innovation projects.


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The Design and Technology Lab is a joint venture between the Industrial Design Programme at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and the Product Development Group of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ). The Lab is a cross-university education and research platform dedicated to interdisciplinary innovation projects.

The Design and Technology Lab is a joint venture between the Industrial Design Programme at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and the Product Development Group of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ). The Lab is a cross-university education and research platform dedicated to interdisciplinary innovation projects.

The Design and Technology Lab Zurich provides a research and educational framework in which industrial designers from Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and mechanical engineers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH) strengthened their disciplinary knowledge and skills by working in teams with students from the other discipline. This develops designers and engineers who have an understanding of the partner discipline and thus jointly succeed in combining and extending the strengths of both disciplines.

Interdisciplinary tandem teams consisting of two students, one from each discipline, devote themselves an industry or research project for three months and jointly develop a meaningful product concept and a prototype. The teams receive expert guidance from ZHdK and ETH faculty. Coaching forms part of the respective curricular training. The results of the tandem projects attract widespread media attention and have received several awards. Past achievements include the establishment of two start-ups (Synple and RapidGraft), financial support from an ETH Pioneer Fellowship (TeD), and several prestigious Dyson Awards: International Top 20 (Kea, Kind Dermatome), Runner-Up (Rowcus, PressPoint) and the Migros Environmental Award (Shinook) as well as ongoing cooperation with the various project partners (Maji Taka, MRI Headset, Mito).

The Design and Technology Lab was founded in 2014 with initial funding from the Gebert Rüf Foundation’s Science and Design Programme.

Previous industrial and research partners: Advanced Technology Labs AG, BS2, D-HEST Department of Health Sciences and Technology, EAWAG, EurobusHelvetas, Hetspresso, Institut für Baustoffe / Wood Science (ETH Zürich), International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)Kinderspital Zürich, Kovenoonee AGPhoster, Piomic MedicalrePATRN Ltd.Rowcus, rrreefsUniversitätsspital Zürich, V-Zug.

Organizational lead and contacts:

Lisa Ochsenbein (, Research Associate / Associated Lecturer, Industrial Design, ZHdK Zurich University of the Arts

Founding team and directors:

Prof. Nicole Kind, Head of Subject Area Industrial Design, ZHdK Zurich University of the Arts

Sandra Kaufmann, Co-Head BA Industrial Design, ZHdK Zurich University of the Arts

Prof. Mirko Meboldt, ETH Zürich / pdz Product Development Group Zurich

Studios Zürich, Basel


©DTL, 2016


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