The Design and Technology Lab is a joint venture between the Industrial Design Programme at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and the Product Development Group of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ). The Lab is a cross-university education and research platform dedicated to interdisciplinary innovation projects.

Tylos is a planted swimming platform made of ecological materials. It protects unnaturally polluted waters such as bathing lakes from excessive algae growth.


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Tylos is a planted swimming platform made of ecological materials. It protects unnaturally polluted waters such as bathing lakes from excessive algae growth.

The Design and Technology Lab is a joint venture between the Industrial Design Programme at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and the Product Development Group of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ). The Lab is a cross-university education and research platform dedicated to interdisciplinary innovation projects.

Stationary waters can become unbalanced due to the agricultural use of the surrounding areas or by bathers. The result is excessive algae growth.

Florian Mauz (Bachelor, ETHZ) and Giovanni Cettuzzi (Bachelor, ZHdK) have tackled this problem in cooperation with Phoster. The result of their work is Tylos, a floating platform equipped with special plants that absorb nitrite from the water before algae can form. Most importantly, by rotating the island, the root system is moved through the water and can thus bind significantly more nitrite. The platform is made of ecological materials and is powered by a solar module.

The project is being pursued further by Phoster. Currently, a 1:1 prototype is being produced for extensive testing.

Studios Zürich, Basel


©DTL, 2016


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