The Design and Technology Lab is a joint venture between the Industrial Design Programme at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and the Product Development Group of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ). The Lab is a cross-university education and research platform dedicated to interdisciplinary innovation projects.

Ambica is worn as a hand- and foot cuff and monitors children’s water balance around the clock using bioimpedance sensors.


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Ambica is worn as a hand- and foot cuff and monitors children’s water balance around the clock using bioimpedance sensors.

The Design and Technology Lab is a joint venture between the Industrial Design Programme at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and the Product Development Group of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ). The Lab is a cross-university education and research platform dedicated to interdisciplinary innovation projects.

Dehydration is one of the most common causes of death among small children in developing countries. Although easily treatable, dehydration is rarely detected in time. For example, relatives often only seek medical help when the child is already in a poor condition. Lack of resources at medical facilities cause long waiting times, which further delay treatment. 

According to Linda Schnorf (ZHdK) and Jonas Conrad (ETHZ), Ambica is a  promising means of preventing infant deaths. Ambica is worn as a cuff on the hand and foot and monitors the child’s water balance around the clock using bioimpedance sensors. A trend display provides hospital staff with information on whether the child’s condition is deteriorating and further treatment measures need to be taken, or whether current treatment is effective and the child can be discharged home early. The treatment period is thus shortened through greater effectiveness. A rapid deterioration of the state of health is signalled by the alarm-fitted sensor, enabling patient control without constant personal monitoring by hospital staff. Thus several children can be treated at the same time.

Studios Zürich, Basel


©DTL, 2016


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