The Design and Technology Lab is a joint venture between the Industrial Design Programme at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and the Product Development Group of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ). The Lab is a cross-university education and research platform dedicated to interdisciplinary innovation projects.

The TeD is used in the removal of small-area split skin biopsies to cultivate a patient’s own skin areas.


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The TeD is used in the removal of small-area split skin biopsies to cultivate a patient’s own skin areas.

The Design and Technology Lab is a joint venture between the Industrial Design Programme at Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) and the Product Development Group of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETHZ). The Lab is a cross-university education and research platform dedicated to interdisciplinary innovation projects.

Older people are the most frequent sufferers of skin diseases and disorders. In many such cases, the affected areas are covered with cultivated, patient-specific skin surfaces. However, the removal of the necessary small-surface split skin biopsies with common dermatomes is a process which requires many years of experience in plastic surgery and is unsuitable for dermatological practice.

The Tissue Engineering Dermatome (TeD) developed by Marcel Gort (ETHZ) and Sonja Frey (ZHdK) simplifies this process considerably. Transferring split skin removal technology to dermatological practice makes this form of treatment accessible to a broader group of patients and also has financial advantages. The patient can have the biopsy taken by a trusted physician close to home. The semi-automatic mechanism makes it possible to learn how to handle TeD within a very short time and is therefore suitable for tightly scheduled everyday dermatological practice. The minimal cutting depth reduces scarring in the patient and the consistent biopsy size simplifies further processing in the laboratory.

Studios Zürich, Basel


©DTL, 2016


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